Renewable energy working group

We are a diverse, community-driven group of people who are dedicated to working together to transition the Fairbanks area to renewable energy as soon as possible. We believe in taking care of our community in order to preserve a high quality of life for all.

We advance energy justice and decarbonization in order to achieve 100% generation from renewable sources through community organizing, outreach, and engagement with our local utility cooperative.

Check out our recent webinar

In this webinar, the Renewable Energy Working Group presented their Climate Action Lab Microgrant Report, Cooperative Opportunity: Clean Energy documenting the development of their campaign, sharing reflections on how their organizing structure led to wins, the challenges they faced, and the lessons that can be learned to succeed in future campaigns.

Our focus areas

As a result of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement a group of Fairbanks residents gathered to see how they could help transition our community away from fossil fuels.


Our History


The REWG formed at FCAC’s General Meeting due to interest in bringing awareness about renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency to Fairbanks.


Participated in a Solar Tour of 12 site visits and a workshop on financing solar energy installations. Spoke to banks regarding C-PACE alternative financing for renewable energy upgrades.

Raised awareness and built connections through Earth Day events and the Chena Hot Springs Renewable Energy Fair. 

Won a 5k grant from the Solar in Community Project national contest by Sun Chasers to provide solar power on non-profit buildings.


Conversations began to start Solarize Fairbanks. 

Held workshops and community events focused on climate action, net metering, and energy retrofits in collaboration with Cold Climate Housing and Research Center (CCHRC), Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP), and other organizations. 


Created and disseminated a GVEA candidate questionnaire. 

Built relationships and outreached through public talks with REAP and the Chena Hot Springs Renewable Energy Fair.  


Launched the Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund (FBX CRF) 

Influenced Fort Wainwright Power Plant DEIS (draft Environmental Impact Statement) planners to take a second look at their current selection to replace the fifty year old coal power plant.


Organized heavily around GVEA’s decision regarding the fate of the Healy 1 coal plant and influenced their decision to adopt a Strategic Generation Plan including the planned closure of the Healy 2 coal plant. 

Received a $15,000 grant from the Climate Advocacy Lab to document successes within GVEA campaign efforts.

By joining the REWG, you can…

  • Take direct action to promote energy justice and more generation from renewable sources 

  • Use your voice to affect change at GVEA, our local energy cooperative 

  • Help make Fairbanks a more just and inclusive community! 

A group of people sit and stand, facing the camera, wearing masks but appearing to smile with their eyes

How Can I Get Involved?

  • Attend REWG Meetings on the first Monday of every month from 5:30-7pm on Zoom or in-person. Contact Kenzley at for more information.

  • Join the Outreach and Base Building Committee or the GVEA Committee. Contact Kenzley for day and time of next meetings.

  • Attend GVEA Board Meetings and make comments to share your thoughts on energy justice and climate mitigation. 

  • Share the Fairbanks Carbon Reduction Fund with your networks and encourage folks to donate if they’re able.

  • Advocate for local use of renewable energy.

  • Engage with the Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) through the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

  • Start a conversation with friends and family about energy topics. Feel free to use one of the following conversation starters: 

    • Do you know what being a member owner of GVEA means? 

    • Do you know what sources your energy comes from? 

    • What do you hope Fairbanks is like for your grandchildren/in 50 years?

Artwork by: Cindy Hickman


Cathy, FCAC Council Member and REWG Co-Cordinator